
Skill Building/Employment

Individuals with IDD often need assistance with daily living skills such as finances, reading, cooking, healthy habits, keeping track of appointments, etc.  They may also have limited employment skills or opportunities.  We offer classes to assist with skill acquisition which increases employability.  We also are working toward offering employment opportunities and resume building activities.

Community Connection

Individuals with disabilities are often disconnected with the larger community and can feel isolated. Our goal is to strengthen community connectedness by  providing opportunities for individuals and entities in our community to join with us as we serve the IDD population.  We will include community resources, and volunteers to facilitate  relationship building.

Social Opportunities/Therapy Dog

Finding safe social activities can be a challenge for individuals with IDD. We provide an array of activities including dances, guys night, girls night, open mic night, walking club, open gym, and many more.  We would love to hear what ideas you have, so please send us an email.  To see what we have coming up, check out our events page!  Our therapy dog attends many of our events and you can schedule an individual or group session with him as well.


Consultation and Parent/Guardian Resource

We understand that being responsible for the health and welfare for an individual with IDD can be overwhelming.  We have a wealth of knowledge to help you navigate services and make decisions about your loved one’s care and goals.  We offer 1:1 consultation to assist with specific situations.  In addition, we are committed to sharing knowledge and resources through workshops, meetings, and group offerings.  Please contact us to request consultation or see our events page for group offerings.